Testosterone Replacement Therapy UK Cost

Cost is going to be a major factor in your decision about whether to opt for private TRT or attempt to get it free on the NHS.  So … how much does Testosterone Replacement Therapy cost in the UK?

I’m guessing that right now you’d like us to deliver a quick and simple answer. There’s more too it than that, take five minutes, make a brew, and read this article. It could save you in the long run.

By the time you reach the end you’ll be a veritable expert in the cost of UK TRT.  And crucially, the different service levels you’ll get.  That’s the key to understanding whether you are underpaying or overpaying for TRT, to understand the cost you need to understand the value of each offer and the medication involved.

As with most things in life, you’ll get what you pay for.

UK TRT Cost : Gotchas

Temptingly Low Headline Prices

The classic Ryan Air pricing technique (although I’m sure they’d rather describe it as “Ultra low cost a-la-carte pricing”).

You get tempted in with a super low headline price.  “Fly to Milan for £39” .  As you try to checkout you realise you need to pay for your baggage, pay extra to sit together and even …. pay for seats.  That’s right, even though you are not allowed to stand there is a charge for standard seats at the back with no additional legroom.

When you get to the airport you have to pay to check in if you never printed your own tickets (£110 no less).

You get on the plane and you need to pay for something to eat and drink.  They’ve joked about making people pay to use the toilet but they’ve not gone that far yet. Ryan Air are open and honest about their pricing model – and everyone knows that’s how they roll.

I don’t want to labour the point, but the problem is that there are numerous UK TRT providers that roll the same way – the trouble is that because they are not in the news all the time like Ryan Air, you are unlikely to know which ones roll like Ryan Air.  The first lesson in this UK TRT Cost tutorial is;

1. Do your homework. Ensure you know what services you need.

Do you need extra leg room?  Are you taking a guitar and your golf clubs?  Maybe Ryan Air isn’t for you.

Just Too Easy

A single at-home blood test with the result returned and analysed in only 3 days?

Hmm. Finger prick blood tests done at home might sound like the easy option, but they suffer from a number of drawbacks when compared to a proper venous blood sample taken by a qualified nurse.

  1. Quantity. You might struggle to get the requisite quantity for the test.  I know I had to go or a run and then have a hot shower before doing it in the past.  Even then I had to prick multiple fingers, they were like a pin cushion at the end. The small quantity reduces the number of biomarkers that can be tested for.
  2. Quality. All the finger squeezing can cause bursting of red blood vessels which can spoil the samples, and can increase the levels of some markers like potassium.
  3. Reliability.  About a quarter of blood samples that reach laboratories through the post are not usable. You may have to do it all again.

TRT isn’t like prescribing a few pain killers or some antibiotics.  It’s serious stuff, and extremely important for the prescribing doctor to have an accurate understanding on the relevant biomarkers. The only way to have that is through a properly conducted professional venous blood sample followed by detailed blood analysis.

Our second lesson is;

2. Don’t settle for second best. Proper analysis is the bedrock of successful treatment.

Alphagenix Plans

We have tailored a number of plans to ensure you can get what you want … without having to overpay on services you don’t need.

Step 1: Discovery

You would have an initial discovery call with one of the Alphagenix team to cover how we work, answer any questions and discuss symptoms of low testosterone. You can then determine whether Alphagenix is the right choice to provide the necessary hormone testing.

The call usually lasts 10-15 minutes. Don’t worry, it is not some pushy sales call.

Step 2: Hormone Screens

Alphagenix Fact:
4 in 5 prospective customers are not suitable for TRT.
Only 20% of those taking a hormone test go on to be prescribed TRT by our doctors.

Our mission is to successfully treat patients who have a medical requirement for TRT treatment. Not to dole it out willy nilly to those who do not need it.

Alphagenix and the doctors we partner with take our responsibilities and professional integrity seriously. If you are not medically suitable for TRT then it will not be prescribed to you.

We offer the following hormone screen packages.  All tests are followed up with an online review consultation with a doctor, this can be over the phone or through Zoom video call if you’d prefer;

Our advanced blood tests are available nationwide (for gentleman across England, Wales, Scotland & Northern Ireland) and are the perfect starting point to assess if you have a Hormone Deficiency.

Phlebotomy can be carried out from the comfort of your own home / place of work or at a nearby partner clinic (200+ partner clinics).

Results are available within 3 working days.

All advanced tests are followed up by an online consultation (phone or video) with our expert clinicians to review results and best advise.


Hormone Screen

Most Popular


Our most widely used test.

  • 41 different markers including Testosterone, LH, FSH & Oestrogen
  • Red and White Blood Cells
  • Thyroid, Liver and Kidney function
  • Proteins
  • Diabetes and Cholesterol
  • Iron
  • PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen)

Switching Clinics or Already Have Blood Results?


Go straight to a 1 hour consultation (phone or video) with a Specialist TRT Clinician.

If you are switching clinic we require:

A copy of your current protocol/prescription.

A copy of your pre-treatment results.

Results dated within a 1 month period that contain the following biomarkers; Testosterone, Free Testosterone or SHBG, FSH, LH, Prolactin, PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen).

If you are not switching clinic but have your own blood results:

We require external results dated within 1 month and contain the following biomarkers; Testosterone, Free Testosterone or SHBG, FSH, LH, Prolactin, PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen).


Results dated within the last 12 months that contain the following biomarkers; Thyroid, Full Blood Count, Kidney Function, Liver Function, Iron/Ferritin.

Contact us

Step 3: TRT Packages

We offer three packages, which vary depending on the medication and delivery method.

Step 3: Our TRT Packages

  • The Aspire plan: £145 per month. This is for patients who are prescribed well-established tablets. On the Aspire plan we conduct routine bloods after 3 months, then every 6 months for the duration of treatment.
  • The Mid-Tier plan: £185 per month . This is for patients who are prescribed certain Injections, Cream or Gel. Routine bloods are tested after 6 weeks, then every 3 months for the duration of treatment.
  • The Alpha plan: £245 per month. This is our most popular plan. This plan is for patients who opt for Premium Injections. Routine bloods are tested at 6 weeks, then every 3 months for duration of treatment.

All packages enjoy the following benefits;

  • ALL scheduled appointments with the doctor.
  • ALL relevant medication.
  • ALL medical equipment required.
  • ALL routine blood tests and clinic visits for blood draws.
  • ALL prescription issuing fees and delivery of medication.
  • PLUS 7-day a week support from our private WhatsApp group including health coaches, nutritional therapist, personal trainer, midlife mentor and high performance mindset coach.
  • PLUS free online video sessions with our certified PT (exercise, nutrition & health coach).
  • PLUS unlimited support calls and admin team support from your designated Account Manager.
  • PLUS monthly newsletter access with company updates, events and offers.
  • PLUS a free monthly subscription to Mental Health App Leafyard

Other forms of medication such as HCG Gonasi injections, Exemstane and Anastrozole tablets are included in the costs of the Mid-tier £185 and Alpha plans. It is important to note that these will only be prescribed if deemed necessary by the doctor, and not on request.

We offer an optional add-on treatment for Erectile Dysfunction in the form of Tadalafil tablets. If required / prescribed these can be added to your package for an additional £30 a month.

It is also possible to order additional in-depth blood tests. Alphagenix provide these for our patients who are looking to do a deep dive into all areas of their health. These are priced as one-off payments as and when requested, price is dependant on the purpose of the blood tests.

All medication will of course include a patient leaflet, as you’d expect with any prescribed meds.

We’ve put together the following links for you to learn more about the medications mentioned in this post. Links (where appropriate) are given to the EMC (The Electronic Medicines Compendium)

Note that testosteronecream is not on the EMC, it is manufactured on a bespoke basis by our partner lab.